Sixth Street Comedy
Brand & Identity

Sixth Street Comedy by Lil Fish productions is a quirky, intimate up-and-coming comedy club for Manhattanites. You never know who might show up at the synagogue-turned-community center; Sixth Street Comedy has hosted The Lucas Brothers, Melissa Villasenor, and Ardie Fuqua all performing alongside the tank of Lil Fish’s mascot goldfish.

For this freelance job, I was hired to create a style guide and branding examples for both print and social media. At the time, Lil Fish was still figuring out who they were as a company, but my design direction stemmed from its desire to capture the nostalgia of 80’s New York City nightlife.

Branding for social media (instagram)

Branding for Social Media (Eventbrite)

Note: Displayed branding is not yet in use